Instructor On-Boarding

CPU Architecture

1. Welcome Video

2. Getting Into the LMS

  • Create your account using your school email: Click Here to Sign-up
  • Follow the instructions to create your new account including entering your Full Name and an alias.  This is the same flow students will go through.  The alias is a way to provide a non-identifying name that can be used in quiz competitions, etc.
  • Skip linking your discord account for now.

3. Course Enrollment

You can now start the course enrollment process by clicking on the green Course Enrollment button.


4. Course Enrollment With Your Course Code

You should have received a course code from me.  It will have the following format 4A11-BA46. (This is not your code, this is just showing you what it will look like.)

Click on the Course Code button.

5. You're In!

If your course code was accepted you should see the following confirmation page.

Go ahead and click on the Get Started button.

At this point you are experiencing the LMS from a student’s perspective.

Once you have gotten this far, contact me through email or text and let me know, and I will promote your account to an instructor for this course.

LMS Overview

Checkout this video to get a quick overview of our Learning Management System

Publishing & Releasing Content

You will use your iPad or iPhone to manage the course. Note that your iOS will need to be at iOS 18 (public beta is fine)

Grading Labs

A quick video showing you how easy it is to grade a lab.

Course Announcements

Here I show you a quick way to add a course announcement and have it show to all the students the next time they load or refresh their browser.

Quiz Competitions

Quiz competitions can be a fun and gamifying way of quizzing students to see how well they are absorbing the material.  This video will show you how to set one up and the students view of the competition.

Releasing Modules to a Specific Student

Modules are generally released by you at the cohort level which means that all students in the class see the released module at the same time.  However, there are times when you might want to release certain modules earlier to a specific student or give a student a stretch lab that other students won’t need to complete.